First off, our sincerest thoughts and prayers go out to everyone affected by the tragic events that have happened in Moncton over the past 24 hours. It is a situation that no one ever wants to imagine, and for the RCMP Officers to continue to go back to their jobs after the tragedies of their fellow officers, that shows just how courageous and brave each and every one of them are.
Now, onto the grand unveiling!!!
If you've been watching our Facebook page, or a select couple of Forums in the past 24 hours, you would have had the opportunity to see our Concept Plan. If you haven't "Liked" our Facebook page yet, we strongly encourage you to do so, as you will be able to get exclusive updates on the progress of this project, along with other exciting announcements coming up during the 2014 Summer of Thunder!
This Motorsports Entertainment Complex will be a multi-phase project, with the initial phase focused around a NHRA and/or IHRA Sanctioned Quarter Mile Drag Strip.
This is something that exists in most other major centres over North America, and unfortunately, the Queen City has missed out on this tremendous marketing and tourism opportunity for far too long. Locally, there are cities like Swift Current, Yorkton and Estevan that sucessfully host drag races at their local airports, and yet, the Queen City has missed out on even a temporary facility, for decades. This is something that we can no longer overlook, and thus why it is the first phase of this project.
There are tremendous social and economic impacts of a drag strip for our community, including offering the youth, and young-at-heart, a safe place to race their cars. This is a right of passage for many teenagers, and it is simply human nature for us to want to test out how fast our cars (and trucks) can go! The Regina Police Service recently emphasized how serious of a problem Street Racing still is in the Queen City, and that is yet another example of why this facility is a necessity, and not just a desire.
Long term, the overall complex will provide an Indoor Entertainment Facility which will enable the Regina region to attract stadium events 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Unlike "Mosaic 2.0", it will not just be "roof ready", and it will not just be focused around a sporting event that is used only a handful of times a year. Best of all, the facility will be usable year round, so we will be able to attract events and concerts that otherwise pass over Saskatchewan due to a number of reasons that promoters simply don't want to take the risk of.
Here is the direct link to the full PDF document.
Have a great Regina day everyone!!
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